As I woke up was getting back into my bluejeans, t-shirt & just then putting my socks back on he pulls me back in bed ravishes my body teliing me over & over its not going down like that...I'm fucking you until you can't walk out of here then I;m done with you! You hear me?
I recall the evening he took me out for a late, late, late night dinner after I worked an double shift at the warehouse job I was doing....we went to his out-of-town townhouse so I'd stay over since I had the weekend off...we went to bed w / o even having kind of sex nor making out. He woke up during the evening very horny & wanting my cock / balls...he milked me dry but I ended up pushing him away afterwards...telling to quit it he violently got up pissed off & told me to get up, dress so he could take me home!